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Aug 31 2018 ভারতের কাশ্মীরে অপহৃত পুলিশের আত্মীয়দের মুক্তি দিয়েছে হিজবুল মুজাহিদিন

পুলিশ সদস্যদের স্বজনদের মুক্তির সঙ্গে নিজেদের দলের সদস্যদের মুক্তি দিতে তিনদিন সময় বেঁধে দিয়েছে হিজবুল মুজাহিদিন । [Read More]

Source: BBCBangla.com | মূল পাতা


Aug 31 2018 প্রিন্সেস ডায়ানার জন্য করা ‘বোরকা’র নকশা নিলামে

১৯৯৭ সালের ৩১ শে অগাস্ট এক গাড়ি দুর্ঘটনায় নিহত হয়েছিলেন প্রিন্সেস ডায়ানা। মৃত্যুর ২১ বছর পর নিলামে উঠছে উপসাগরীয় অঞ্চল এবং সৌদি আরবে তার সফরের বেশকিছু বিশেষ পোশাক। [Read More]

Source: BBCBangla.com | মূল পাতা


Aug 31 2018 Whereabouts of 2 Former Colombian Rebel Leaders Unknown

Authorities said Friday that two former rebel leaders of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia have abandoned their camps, raising fears they could abandon a fragile peace process that ended five decades of internal conflict.
Colombia’s lead prosecutor Nestor Humberto Martinez said that the whereabouts of Luciano Marin, who is more commonly known as Ivan Marquez, [...]


Aug 31 2018 Whereabouts of 2 Former Colombian Rebel Leaders Unknown

Authorities said Friday that two former rebel leaders of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia have abandoned their camps, raising fears they could abandon a fragile peace process that ended five decades of internal conflict.
Colombia’s lead prosecutor Nestor Humberto Martinez said that the whereabouts of Luciano Marin, who is more commonly known as Ivan Marquez, [...]


Aug 31 2018 Whereabouts of 2 Former Colombian Rebel Leaders Unknown

Authorities said Friday that two former rebel leaders of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia have abandoned their camps, raising fears they could abandon a fragile peace process that ended five decades of internal conflict.
Colombia’s lead prosecutor Nestor Humberto Martinez said that the whereabouts of Luciano Marin, who is more commonly known as Ivan Marquez, [...]


Aug 31 2018 Whereabouts of 2 Former Colombian Rebel Leaders Unknown

Authorities said Friday that two former rebel leaders of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia have abandoned their camps, raising fears they could abandon a fragile peace process that ended five decades of internal conflict.
Colombia’s lead prosecutor Nestor Humberto Martinez said that the whereabouts of Luciano Marin, who is more commonly known as Ivan Marquez, [...]


Aug 31 2018 Whereabouts of 2 Former Colombian Rebel Leaders Unknown

Authorities said Friday that two former rebel leaders of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia have abandoned their camps, raising fears they could abandon a fragile peace process that ended five decades of internal conflict.
Colombia’s lead prosecutor Nestor Humberto Martinez said that the whereabouts of Luciano Marin, who is more commonly known as Ivan Marquez, [...]


Aug 31 2018 Whereabouts of 2 Former Colombian Rebel Leaders Unknown

Authorities said Friday that two former rebel leaders of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia have abandoned their camps, raising fears they could abandon a fragile peace process that ended five decades of internal conflict.
Colombia’s lead prosecutor Nestor Humberto Martinez said that the whereabouts of Luciano Marin, who is more commonly known as Ivan Marquez, [...]


Aug 31 2018 Whereabouts of 2 Former Colombian Rebel Leaders Unknown

Authorities said Friday that two former rebel leaders of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia have abandoned their camps, raising fears they could abandon a fragile peace process that ended five decades of internal conflict.
Colombia’s lead prosecutor Nestor Humberto Martinez said that the whereabouts of Luciano Marin, who is more commonly known as Ivan Marquez, [...]


Aug 31 2018 Whereabouts of 2 Former Colombian Rebel Leaders Unknown

Authorities said Friday that two former rebel leaders of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia have abandoned their camps, raising fears they could abandon a fragile peace process that ended five decades of internal conflict.
Colombia’s lead prosecutor Nestor Humberto Martinez said that the whereabouts of Luciano Marin, who is more commonly known as Ivan Marquez, [...]