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Mar 31 2016 Europe Prepares to Deport Migrants

On Monday, the European Union and Greece are scheduled to begin sending migrants, including Syrians, from the Greek Isles to Turkey under a deal reached two weeks ago between the Turkish government and the EU. 
The agreement aims to ease Europe’s migrant crisis, but human rights advocates and leftists in Europe have protested the deal, saying [...]


Mar 31 2016 Europe Prepares to Deport Migrants

On Monday, the European Union and Greece are scheduled to begin sending migrants, including Syrians, from the Greek Isles to Turkey under a deal reached two weeks ago between the Turkish government and the EU. 
The agreement aims to ease Europe’s migrant crisis, but human rights advocates and leftists in Europe have protested the deal, saying [...]


Mar 31 2016 Europe Prepares to Deport Migrants

On Monday, the European Union and Greece are scheduled to begin sending migrants, including Syrians, from the Greek Isles to Turkey under a deal reached two weeks ago between the Turkish government and the EU. 
The agreement aims to ease Europe’s migrant crisis, but human rights advocates and leftists in Europe have protested the deal, saying [...]


Mar 31 2016 Europe Prepares to Deport Migrants

On Monday, the European Union and Greece are scheduled to begin sending migrants, including Syrians, from the Greek Isles to Turkey under a deal reached two weeks ago between the Turkish government and the EU. 
The agreement aims to ease Europe’s migrant crisis, but human rights advocates and leftists in Europe have protested the deal, saying [...]


Mar 31 2016 মিয়ানমারের গণতন্ত্রী পন্থী নেত্রী অং সান সুচি সর্ব্বময় ক্ষমতা পেতে পারেন

মিয়ানমারের নেত্রী অং সান সুচি যে প্রস্তাব দিয়েছেন, তারই ভিত্তিতে তিনি সরকারী উপদেষ্টার পদ পেতে পারেন এবং সর্ব্বময় ক্ষমতার অধিকারী হতে পারেন I বর্তমানে তাঁর দায়িত্বে রয়েছে পররাষ্ট্র, জ্বালানি শক্তি, শিক্ষা ও প্রেসিডেন্টের দফতর I তাঁর এককালীন পরামর্শদাতা ও বন্ধু থিন খা’কে বুধবার প্রেসিডেন্ট হিসাবে শপথ গ্রহণ করানো হয় I [Read More]

Source: VOA News: [...]


Mar 31 2016 Tunisian Democracy Still Faces Challenges, Its US Ambassador Says

A peaceful transition to democracy in Tunisia proved to be a rare success story of the Arab Spring, yet as one official says, “many challenges” remain for the country.
Tunisia was fortunate to have pragmatic politicians who favored compromise over confrontation. The Islamist political party Ennahda, which won the first elections after the 2011 revolution, voluntarily [...]


Mar 31 2016 Tunisian Democracy Still Faces Challenges, Its US Ambassador Says

A peaceful transition to democracy in Tunisia proved to be a rare success story of the Arab Spring, yet as one official says, “many challenges” remain for the country.
Tunisia was fortunate to have pragmatic politicians who favored compromise over confrontation. The Islamist political party Ennahda, which won the first elections after the 2011 revolution, voluntarily [...]


Mar 31 2016 Tunisian Democracy Still Faces Challenges, Its US Ambassador Says

A peaceful transition to democracy in Tunisia proved to be a rare success story of the Arab Spring, yet as one official says, “many challenges” remain for the country.
Tunisia was fortunate to have pragmatic politicians who favored compromise over confrontation. The Islamist political party Ennahda, which won the first elections after the 2011 revolution, voluntarily [...]


Mar 31 2016 Tunisian Democracy Still Faces Challenges, Its US Ambassador Says

A peaceful transition to democracy in Tunisia proved to be a rare success story of the Arab Spring, yet as one official says, “many challenges” remain for the country.
Tunisia was fortunate to have pragmatic politicians who favored compromise over confrontation. The Islamist political party Ennahda, which won the first elections after the 2011 revolution, voluntarily [...]


Mar 31 2016 Tunisian Democracy Still Faces Challenges, Its US Ambassador Says

A peaceful transition to democracy in Tunisia proved to be a rare success story of the Arab Spring, yet as one official says, “many challenges” remain for the country.
Tunisia was fortunate to have pragmatic politicians who favored compromise over confrontation. The Islamist political party Ennahda, which won the first elections after the 2011 revolution, voluntarily [...]