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May 31 2015 Convicted Khilgaon OC lands in jail

Former Khilgaon police OC Helal sent to jail after he surrendered before a Dhaka court. [Read More]

Source: The Daily Star


May 30 2015 মাদক ব্যবসার জন্য রেলপথ ঘিরে অবৈধ স্থাপনা?

‘ভাই, কোনটা লাগব, বড় না ছোট?’ সন্ধ্যার আলো চলে যাওয়ার আগে এখন রাজধানীর তেজগাঁওয়ের রেলপথ ধরে হাঁটতে গেলে এমন কথা কানে আসে। প্রথম শুনলে একটু অবাক হতে হয়। তবে একটু দাঁড়ালেই কারণটা বোঝা যায়, ‘ছোট-বড়’ বলতে ইঙ্গিত করা হয় মরণঘাতী ইয়াবাকে।
যাঁরা ‘ছোট-বড়’র কথা বলেন, তাঁরা সবাই ইয়াবা বিক্রেতা। এঁদের অধিকাংশই আবার নারী। দিনের আলো সরে [...]


May 30 2015 মার্কিন ভাইস প্রেসিডেন্টের ছেলের মৃত্যু

মার্কিন ভাইস প্রেসিডেন্ট জো বাইডেনের ছেলে বাউ বাইডেন ক্যান্সারে ভুগে মারা গেছেন। হোয়াইট হাউসের এক বিবৃতিতে গতকাল শনিবার এ কথা জানানো হয়েছে।এএফপির খবরে জানা যায়, ওই বিবৃতিতে জো বাইডেন বলেন, তিনি অত্যন্ত দুঃখের সঙ্গে জানাচ্ছেন যে দীর্ঘদিন ব্রেন ক্যান্সারে ভুগে তাঁর ছেলে বাউ মারা গেছেন।ছেলের মৃত্যুতে শোকের ছায়া নেমে এসেছে বাইডেন পরিবারে। বিবৃতিতে বলা হয়, [...]


May 30 2015 Chinese Admiral: South China Sea Projects ‘justified, legitimate, reasonable’

China has strongly rejected U.S. criticism of its land reclamation activities in the South China Sea.
Chinese Admiral Sun Jianguo told a security summit in Singapore Sunday that construction work is “justified, legitimate and reasonable,” and that the projects are for the purpose of providing “international public services.”
Sun said “Confrontation must be replaced with cooperation.”
His comments [...]


May 30 2015 Chinese Admiral: South China Sea Projects ‘justified, legitimate, reasonable’

China has strongly rejected U.S. criticism of its land reclamation activities in the South China Sea.
Chinese Admiral Sun Jianguo told a security summit in Singapore Sunday that construction work is “justified, legitimate and reasonable,” and that the projects are for the purpose of providing “international public services.”
Sun said “Confrontation must be replaced with cooperation.”
His comments [...]


May 30 2015 Chinese Admiral: South China Sea Projects ‘justified, legitimate, reasonable’

China has strongly rejected U.S. criticism of its land reclamation activities in the South China Sea.
Chinese Admiral Sun Jianguo told a security summit in Singapore Sunday that construction work is “justified, legitimate and reasonable,” and that the projects are for the purpose of providing “international public services.”
Sun said “Confrontation must be replaced with cooperation.”
His comments [...]


May 30 2015 Chinese Admiral: South China Sea Projects ‘justified, legitimate, reasonable’

China has strongly rejected U.S. criticism of its land reclamation activities in the South China Sea.
Chinese Admiral Sun Jianguo told a security summit in Singapore Sunday that construction work is “justified, legitimate and reasonable,” and that the projects are for the purpose of providing “international public services.”
Sun said “Confrontation must be replaced with cooperation.”
His comments [...]


May 30 2015 Chinese Admiral: South China Sea Projects ‘justified, legitimate, reasonable’

China has strongly rejected U.S. criticism of its land reclamation activities in the South China Sea.
Chinese Admiral Sun Jianguo told a security summit in Singapore Sunday that construction work is “justified, legitimate and reasonable,” and that the projects are for the purpose of providing “international public services.”
Sun said “Confrontation must be replaced with cooperation.”
His comments [...]


May 30 2015 Chinese Admiral: South China Sea Projects ‘justified, legitimate, reasonable’

China has strongly rejected U.S. criticism of its land reclamation activities in the South China Sea.
Chinese Admiral Sun Jianguo told a security summit in Singapore Sunday that construction work is “justified, legitimate and reasonable,” and that the projects are for the purpose of providing “international public services.”
Sun said “Confrontation must be replaced with cooperation.”
His comments [...]


May 30 2015 Chinese Admiral: South China Sea Projects ‘justified, legitimate, reasonable’

China has strongly rejected U.S. criticism of its land reclamation activities in the South China Sea.
Chinese Admiral Sun Jianguo told a security summit in Singapore Sunday that construction work is “justified, legitimate and reasonable,” and that the projects are for the purpose of providing “international public services.”
Sun said “Confrontation must be replaced with cooperation.”
His comments [...]