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Jun 30 2014 বিশ্বকাপ সমাচার: বিশ্বকাপ কোয়াটার ফাইনালে উত্তির্ণ হ’লো ফ্রান্স ও জার্মানী

বিশ্বকাপ সমাচার
ব্রাজিলে অনুষ্ঠিত বিশ্বকাপ কোয়াটার ফাইনালে উত্তির্ণ হ’লো ফ্রান্স ও জার্মানী।
সোমবারের খেলায় জার্মানীর বিরুদ্ধে আলজেরিয়ার খেলাটি ছিল দূর্দান্ত। ১২০ মিনিটের খেলায় জার্মানী ২-১ গোলে আলজেরিয়াকে হারিয়ে দিয়ে কোয়াটার ফাইনালে উঠে আসল।
এর আগের খেলাটি হয়েছে ফ্রান্স এবং নাইজেরিয়ার মধ্যে। ফ্রান্স নাইজেরিয়াকে ২-০ গোলে হারিয়ে দিয়ে কোয়াটার ফাইনালে তার আসন পাকা করে নিল।
আগামীকাল হতে যাচ্ছে সুইজার্ল্যান্ড বনাম [...]


Jun 30 2014 কোয়ার্টার ফাইনালে মুখোমুখি ফ্রান্স-জার্মানি

রাতে বিশ্বকাপের দুটি খেলা অনুষ্ঠিত হয়েছে। দ্বিতীয় পর্বের উত্তেজনাপূর্ণ এক খেলায় আলজেরিয়াকে ২-১ গোলে পরাজিত করেছে জার্মানি। যার সবগুলো গোলই এসেছে অতিরিক্ত সময়ে। এর আগে নাইজেরিয়াকে ২-০ গোলে পরাজিত করেছিল ফ্রান্স। [Read More]

Source: BBCBangla.com | মূল পাতা


Jun 30 2014 Mixed Opinions About World Cup Impact on Brazilian Economy

As fans enjoy football’s (soccer’s) month-long World Cup, Brazilian authorities are pleased over the boost they say the tournament is giving the country's economy.  However, independent analysts who study such mega-events are less enthusiastic.
The 2014 World Cup has injected an estimated $15 billion into the Brazilian economy and created many jobs, this according to the [...]


Jun 30 2014 Mixed Opinions About World Cup Impact on Brazilian Economy

As fans enjoy football’s (soccer’s) month-long World Cup, Brazilian authorities are pleased over the boost they say the tournament is giving the country's economy.  However, independent analysts who study such mega-events are less enthusiastic.
The 2014 World Cup has injected an estimated $15 billion into the Brazilian economy and created many jobs, this according to the [...]


Jun 30 2014 Mixed Opinions About World Cup Impact on Brazilian Economy

As fans enjoy football’s (soccer’s) month-long World Cup, Brazilian authorities are pleased over the boost they say the tournament is giving the country's economy.  However, independent analysts who study such mega-events are less enthusiastic.
The 2014 World Cup has injected an estimated $15 billion into the Brazilian economy and created many jobs, this according to the [...]


Jun 30 2014 Mixed Opinions About World Cup Impact on Brazilian Economy

As fans enjoy football’s (soccer’s) month-long World Cup, Brazilian authorities are pleased over the boost they say the tournament is giving the country's economy.  However, independent analysts who study such mega-events are less enthusiastic.
The 2014 World Cup has injected an estimated $15 billion into the Brazilian economy and created many jobs, this according to the [...]


Jun 30 2014 Mixed Opinions About World Cup Impact on Brazilian Economy

As fans enjoy football’s (soccer’s) month-long World Cup, Brazilian authorities are pleased over the boost they say the tournament is giving the country's economy.  However, independent analysts who study such mega-events are less enthusiastic.
The 2014 World Cup has injected an estimated $15 billion into the Brazilian economy and created many jobs, this according to the [...]


Jun 30 2014 Mixed Opinions About World Cup Impact on Brazilian Economy

As fans enjoy football’s (soccer’s) month-long World Cup, Brazilian authorities are pleased over the boost they say the tournament is giving the country's economy.  However, independent analysts who study such mega-events are less enthusiastic.
The 2014 World Cup has injected an estimated $15 billion into the Brazilian economy and created many jobs, this according to the [...]


Jun 30 2014 Mixed Opinions About World Cup Impact on Brazilian Economy

As fans enjoy football’s (soccer’s) month-long World Cup, Brazilian authorities are pleased over the boost they say the tournament is giving the country's economy.  However, independent analysts who study such mega-events are less enthusiastic.
The 2014 World Cup has injected an estimated $15 billion into the Brazilian economy and created many jobs, this according to the [...]


Jun 30 2014 Mixed Opinions About World Cup Impact on Brazilian Economy

As fans enjoy football’s (soccer’s) month-long World Cup, Brazilian authorities are pleased over the boost they say the tournament is giving the country's economy.  However, independent analysts who study such mega-events are less enthusiastic.
The 2014 World Cup has injected an estimated $15 billion into the Brazilian economy and created many jobs, this according to the [...]